Sunday, January 27, 2008

Michelle's Blog

Sooo, I'm assuming everyone liked my pool party? Good. For thoose of you who haven't heard, my new BFF is Brianna, she is total Hawtie marieal. All we have to do is get rid of the bad girl look (sorry, but it is NOT working for you.) and she'll be ready to go. For those of you who want to be hawties without actually being in my special group, it's your lucky day. Today is a special. Some of our flirting tips go public. I know, I know, try to contain your excitement. But one ground rule. NEVER us these to filrt with any of our guys, NE-VER. Unless of course, you want your social life to DIE. Oh, more news- I'm only letting out 2. We have waaaaay more than that, but you'll have to wait to get more.

1. When talking to a boy (hawt or not) always make eye contact. He'll be ah-mazed by your peircing brown/blue/green/etc eyes. Once that's done, you have secured getting his screenname.

2. While walking away from a "pack" of boys, make sure your hips shake. Same with walking away, just throw in a little chest movement. Also, when walking away, be sure to look back and giggle. Extra points if his crew notices. Nothing like jealousy to heat a lifeless love life.

Michelle clicked save on her hot pink mac and turned to face the girls.The look on Brianna's face totally secured Michelle's plan. Brianna actually thought she belonged. If only she knew.

Now it's the most exciting time of the day, my plans. Today I'm going to Etre Beau to have a spa day with the girls. Afterwards were going into the city to have dinner. We need to buy Bri a whole new wardrobe!

Michelle pressed "post" and turned to her friends including Brianna, or "Bri" as she just convitently dubbed her. "Come awn, can we, like, puh-lease leave. We scheduled the spa day to start at ten, and it's already 9:45." she whined. The girls stopped discussing which nail color was best for fair people and gathered their belongings. One by one the girls filed out of Michelle's lounge.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Chapter 3

As brianna walked through the gates of Michelle's house, her mouth dropped at the sprawling estate. Michelle's well, mainsion sat across rolling lucious green hills. 3 tall maple trees blocked part of the property, but brianna didn't seem 2 notice. Amzed at seeing well, how rich michelle really was. brianna did the only thing she could think of, start walking.

Before going outside to party w/ their guests, michelle and friends checked the outfits. Michelle smiled at her refelction.Her black super tiny (and i mean,like, barely there) bikini looked ah-mazing and was sure to drive alex crazy!! Her long, dark highlighted hair was in a loose braid, adding a whimsicial touch 2 the outfit. Her makeup was black eyeliner, mascara, shimmery brown shadow, shimmer blush, pink gloss and body glitter. Mmm-hmm. She couldn't wait for the boy's to get a taste of her.Michelle slid on her chuny black prada flip-flops and paraded her friends out the door.

Michelle's backyard was like a water park. She had exactly 5 pools each w/ different temps and colors. The pools all had 3 water slides with differnet "levels". "Arf!" her yorkishire terrier, resses, begged for attention.Michelle picked up the pooch and sat on her outdoors chaise lounge. "hi" brianna said. Omigod! u look so good in that coverup!" Michelle said w/ what sounded like... sincerity?

Post numero 2

This is the second chapter of my story.

Althroughout history brianna was thinking. She's probably right. Mostly everyone wants to be better than her, so they hafta destroy her first. As Miss Capriglione dragged on about the boston tea party. Brianna's soon-2-be evil mind was struck by a wonderful idea. He he he... let's see who'll be in charge now!
Michelle had been texting jokes about brianna all through history. She took a glance across the room and saw an evil grin. Michelle shrugged it off her mind and changed the subject.
Michelle: r u there?
Natalie: yup
Michelle: good. we gotta teach brianna a lesson. she does not know who she's messn w/
Noelle: should we give her the treatment?
Natalie: yeah can we. it is so fun 2 torture.
Michelle:no. we gave her that last year. i have a brill plan.
Dani: ooo, what is it
Michelle: Listen.....
"You r invited 2 michelles back-2-school pool party. It is tonight (Fri). plz wear your bathing suit and a change of clothes, for all the girls will be sleeping over. Hope u can come" Briannna read outloud of a shiny navy blue and silver envolope.She started 2 laugh, but then had another idea. maybe becoming her friend was the best for her rep. she didn't want to be hated but if she had used her other idea, she would be. maybe, just maybe...